Photo Gallery 2019

West Sumatra Province TBT Operator Training

Underground Coal Mining Technology Seminar

Field Trip of Al-Kautsar Duri Middle School Student IT

Underground Mining Surveyor Training and Underground Mine Ventilation System Training

Training for Fulfillment and Competency Test of the First Operational Supervisor (POP) in Mining Batch I

Field Trip of Al-Kautsar Duri Middle School Student IT

Field Trip of Pekanbaru 5th Vocational School

100% of Participants are Recommended Competently as First Operations Supervisor

Palembang Akamigas Polytechnic Performs Underground Mining Practice at BDTBT

Closing of 2019 Underground Mining Operator Training in BDTBT

Signing of Collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Museum and Sawahlunto Museum

Riau Oil and Gas Vocational School Field Trip in Answering the Challenges of the Industrial World

Jambi University Students Conduct Excursion Study at BDTBT

Modern Writing Training

BDTBT Holds POP Training at Two Places, Fields and Sawahlunto

Optimization of BMN Utilization, BDTBT Discusses Loan Use Field Field Plan with Sawahlunto City Government

Increasing BDTBT in Celebrating Holy Month of Ramadan

The City Government of Sawahlunto Accelerates the Process of Building the People Chain Museum

STTIND Padang Student Excursion Study

Field Work Lecture for the Department of Archeology at FIB UI at BDTBT

Field Work Practice Medan Institute of Technology (ITM)

West Sumatra Province Underground Mining Training Center II

Submission of OCMHS Certificates and OCMHS Team Visit to BDTBT

Field Trip to Mandau Vocational High School 1 at BDTBT

Field Trip to Mandau Vocational High School 1 at BDTBT

BDTBT Cooperation Signing with Bangka Belitung University, and Sawahlunto Vocational School 2

Technical Guidance "Underground Coal Mining Technology

KJL II BLU Training

BDTBT Holds Dikla POP for PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal

BDTBT In House Training with PT Dairi Prima Minerals

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